Where our Working in Complexity course comes from

Here’s where our Working in Complexity course comes from.
For more than 30 years, Caitlin Frost and I have been collaborating on raising a family, running a business, and building community. We’ve learned a lot about what it takes to work with ourselves and others in a participatory, relational and resourceful way, especially as we face emergence and uncertainty. A few years ago we sat down and mapped out how we work with complexity. Because my work was mostly with groups, organizations and communities and hers mostly with individuals we looked for characteristics of complexity that crossed that boundary between what we think of “inner” or personal work and what we think of as “outer” or collective, social, or systems change work We settled on eight characteristics – we could have chosen dozens – and started seeing how our practices of working with complexity have correlations in these different contexts, and especially noticing that it is easier to work with these characteristics of complexity when we do both the personal work and the collective work, coherent with the nature of the problems and challenges we are facing.
The program we are running, starting February 20, dives into theory around these and shares tools and practices for personal work and collective work with these phenomena.
Smash this link the learn more and register to join us.