Bowen Island winter problems

It is a busy day on Alertable, the app that lets me know about local emergencies. Yesterday a northerly outflow wind started up and has been blowing steadily ever since. The photo above was taken this morning and shows what the water looks like when these outflows (around here called “Squamish Winds”) start really pumping.

We get these winds in the winter when a low pressure systems sets up off shore and the high pressure from the Interior of BC is squeezed out along the inlets, river valleys and fjords of the west coast. The biggest danger of these prolonged winds and wind chills is frozen pipes and freezing spray on boats. When the events go on for a while we can get tree damage and power outages.
The freezing spray isn’t an issue becasue no one in their right mind is out in small boats in a Squamish like this. Except…

Our ferry terminal had an extensive refit last year. A couple of days ago the ferry suffered a mechanical failure and ploughed into two sail boats moored at the marina. Now it seems like there is a bigger issue with the terminal and that means we are stuck on the island except for small 12 person water taxis running back and forth across the inlet, broad side to gusty winds driving freezing spray.
So it is indeed a day to stay in, or storm watch a bit, and drink lots of warm beverages, like my favourite poblano hot chocolate from Cocoa West.
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