Books, Papers, Interviews, and Videos


  • Cynefin: weaving sense-making into the fabric of our world. A compilation of writing from complexity practitioners celebrating the 21st birthday of the Cynefin framework. I contributed a chapter on teaching Cynefin using embodied exercises.
  • Dialogic Organization Development. A text book featuring researchers and practitioners writing about a radical shift in working with organizational development from a dialogue-based perspective.  I contributed a chapter on “Hosting and Hosting Containers.
  • The Tao of Holding Space. The essence of Open Space Technology facilitation is known as “holding space.” This book explores the practice of holding space by reinterpreting the Tao te Ching. While written for Open Space facilitators, it has wide application across a number of facilitation approaches. You can order a beautiful copy of the book from me directly for $30 Canadian.  This book is also available as a free download. It is also available in Chinese.
  • Open Space Technology a User’s Non-Guide Edited by Chris Corrigan and Michael Herman (.pdf). A companion to Harrison Owen’s Open Space Technology: A User’s Guide, this book is an edited conversation between 37 Open Space Technology practitioners. The book is available for free.
  • The Change Handbook. The definitive guide to facilitating large scale change. I contributed material to the Open Space Technology chapter and experiences with mixing and matching methods.
  • The Age of Conversation. If ideas are the currency of our times then this is, undoubtedly, the Age of Conversation, for without the art of dialog, the cut and thrust of debate and discussion, then the economy of ideas would implode under its own heavy weight. Instead, the reverse is true. Far from seeing an implosion, we are living in a time of proliferation – ideas build upon ideas, discussion grows from seeds of thought and single headlines give rise to a thousand medusa-like simulations echoing words whispered somewhere on the other side of the planet. All this – in an instant. In what began as a half dare, the editors, Gavin Heaton and Drew McLellan challenged bloggers around the world to contribute one page – 400 words – on the topic of “conversation”. The resulting book, The Age of Conversation, brings together over 100 of the world’s leading marketers, writers, thinkers and creative innovators in a ground-breaking and unusual publication.

Interviews, podcasts and talks

Papers and articles

Online publishing

Since 2001 I have published two weblogs of my own.  They contain a wealth of my writing and thinking.

I have collected some of my most significant writing from over the years on a page called A Collection of Life’s Lessons.

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